Using TISBackup

As seen in the section on installing TISbackup, once the TISBackup installation is up and running, we have the choice of these actions:

backup: launch all backups or a specific one if -s option is used
cleanup: removed backups older than retension period
checknagios: check all or a specific backup against max_backup_age parameter
dumpstat: dump the content of database for the last 20 backups
retryfailed:  try to relaunch the last failed backups
listdrivers:  list available backup types and parameters for config inifile
exportbackup:  copy lastest OK backups from local to location defned by --exportdir parameter
register_existing: scan backup directories and add missing backups to database

The 3 following options can be used with any tisbackup action.

  • the -c config_file option allows to specify a backup file, by default /etc/tis/tisbackup-config.ini is used:

    tisbackup backup -c /etc/toto/test-config.ini
  • the -s section_name option allows to launch only the action on the specified section:

    tisbackup backup -s section_name
  • the -d option allows you to simulate an action in order to see the commands launched by it.

    tisbackup backup -d
  • backup launches a backup action:

    tisbackup backup
  • cleanup removes backups older than the time specified in the backup_retention_time parameter of the configuration file:

    tisbackup cleanup
  • checknagios allows the backup information to be uploaded to the nagios monitoring server:

    tisbackup checknagios
  • dumpstat displays all information about the last 20 backups in tabular format:

    tisbackup dumpstat
  • retryfailed restarts only the backup of the failed sections:

    tisbackup retryfailed
  • listdrivers lists all the possible types of backups and their parameters:

    tisbackup listdrivers
  • exportbackup copies the last good backup to a directory, you must use the --exportdir option to specify or copy the export:

    tisbackup exportbackup --exportdir example_directory
  • register_existing checks the backup directory and saves information from previous backups to tisbackup in the database;

Exporting backups

With this procedure, you will be able to export your backups on USB Hard Disk Drives for your off-line backup needs.

The partition of your HDD must be ext4 formated and labeled tisbackup.

fdisk /dev/xvdc
Command (m for help): n
Select (default p): p
Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1
Command (m for help): w

mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdc1
e2label /dev/xvdc1 tisbackup
Exporting a backup to an external USB HDD

Exporting a backup to an external USB HDD

Status of exported backups

Status of exported backups