Configuring the backup jobs

The configuration of the backups is done in an .ini file, by default /etc/tis/tisbackup-config.ini:

  • a global section where general parameters are specified;

  • then for each backup a section will be created;

[global] section

Here are the mandatory parameters of the global section.

  • the beginning of the global section starts with:

  • specify directory where to store backups:

    backup_base_dir = /backup/data/
  • define the maximum age of the backups (variable used by the cleanup function):

  • define the maximum time in hours between each backup. When this time is exceeded, then checknagios goes critical:


Another non-mandatory parameter allows to define the rsync compression level: compression_level=7.

Backup types


to test with a Windows box

Globally, the backups are done through an SSH connection and the steps are:

  • creating the section in the configuration file;

  • installing ssh on the Linux client;

  • making an ssh key exchange between the tisbackup server and the client to back up;

Here are the different types of backup possible with tisbackup.

Backing up a MySQL database


Mandatory parameters:

  • [srvintranet_mysql_mediawiki]: name of the section starts with the name you give to it;

  • type: specifies the backup type for the Mysql database dump;

  • server_name: defines the server to be backed up by its DNS name or IP address;

  • private_key: defines the name of the private key to be used to connect to the client;

  • db_name: defines the name of the database to dump;

  • db_user: defines the name of a user with the right to dump on the basis of;

  • db_passwd: defines the user’s password;

Backing up a PostgreSQL database


Mandatory parameters:

  • [srvasterisk-pgsql]: name of the section starts with the name you give to it;

  • type: specifies the backup type for the Mysql database dump;

  • server_name: defines the server to be backed up by its DNS name or IP address;

  • private_key: defines the name of the private key to be used to connect to the client;

  • db_name: defines the name of the database to dump;

Backing up a file server

bwlimit = 100

Mandatory parameters:

  • [srvfiles-home]: name of the section starts with the name you give to it;

  • type: specifies the backup type for the Mysql database dump;

  • server_name: defines the server to be backed up by its DNS name or IP address;

  • remote_dir: defines the folder on the remote host to backup;

  • private_key: defines the name of the private key to be used to connect to the client;


    In case of Windows client, specificities are to be expected:

    By default we use the root user for backups, for windows we will use the Administrator account (pay attention to the sensitive box).


    Through cygwin, the directory to be backed up will always start with /cygdrive, so it must be specified in the remote_dir parameter.



Other non-mandatory parameters can be used. The listdrivers option allows you to see them. The two most frequently used parameters are:

  • exclude_list: defines the files to be excluded from the backup;

  • bwlimit: defines the maximum speed of the backup;

Backing up a XenCenter virtual machine

On local storage


Mandatory parameters:

  • [wsmanage]: name of the section starts with the name you give to it;

  • type: specifies the backup type for the Mysql database dump;

  • xcphost: defines the XCP server where the VM is found by its DNS name or IP;

  • server_name: defines the server to be backed up by its DNS name or IP address;

  • password_file: defines a file where are stored the user and the password to be used for exporting the .xva file;

  • backup_retention_time: defines the maximum number of exports for the virtual machine;

  • halt_vm: True = stop the virtual machine then export, False = snapshot the virtual machine then export the xva without stopping the virtual machine;

  • enable_https: activate or deactivate https protocol for transfer;

On remote storage


Mandatory parameters:

  • [srvads-copy]: name of the section starts with the name you give to it;

  • type: specifies the backup type for the Mysql database dump;

  • server_name: defines the server to be backed up by its DNS name or IP address;

  • vm_name: defines the virtual machine to be backed up (its name-label in XCP);

  • storage_name: defines the storage to where to copy the virtual machine (its name-label in XCP);

  • password_file: defines a file where are stored the user and the password to be used for exporting the .xva file;

  • network_name: defines the network to which to copy the VM (its name-label in XCP);

  • max_copies: maximum number of exports for the virtual machine;

XenCenter metadata

[srvxen1-metadata] type=xcp-dump-metadata server_name=srvxen1 password_file=/root/xen_passwd

Mandatory parameters:

  • [srvxen1-metadata]: name of the section starts with the name you give to it;

  • type: specifies the backup type for the Mysql database dump;

  • server_name: defines the server to be backed up by its DNS name or IP address;

  • password_file: defines a file where are stored the user and the password to be used for exporting the .xva file;


For maximum security put the password file in the root directory with read-write access only for it.

vi /root/xen_passwd

example of the content of the file:


implementation of restricted rights

chmod 600 /root/xen_passwd